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4 Top Factors To Consider When Installing A Residential Septic System

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After purchasing a residential property, you might want to look into wastewater management aspects, including septic tank installation. However, this isn't a straightforward endeavor. You must deal with various issues, including septic system design and septic tank size, etc. Besides, such tasks are intricate and require an experienced professional's input.

This post offers more insights into the factors you should consider before a residential septic installation to help your upcoming project have a smooth start. Read on to learn more.

The Type and Design of Your Septic System

There are various types and designs of residential septic systems, including aerobic, pressurized, and gravitational. Choosing the ideal design relies upon your property's potential to retain or dispose of water. That's the reason why you might want to consider enlisting an experienced professional to conduct thorough soil testing and property assessment to identify the right conditions for your septic tank system. 

To ensure your septic tank's proper function, choosing the ideal soil type is crucial. The soil must possess the highest absorption rates, taking in and treating effluents efficiently before being released into the ecosystem. An excellent choice for your septic system would be sandy soil, which has superior absorption rates. Avoid installing your septic system in areas with clay soil or bedrocks, which impedes water.

The Septic Tank Size

The tank size is a critical factor to consider when installing your property's septic system. When looking into the ideal tank size, consider calculating the measurements of your drain field. Recommended drain systems must have adequate sizes to satisfy daily wastewater volumes. If you have a more extended family, choosing a larger septic tank to accommodate significant wastewater volumes can be a sound decision.

The Terrain

Another top consideration during septic system installation is the terrain. It's a critical factor to pay attention to since it defines how well the septic system can tackle heavy downpours and floods. Ideal landscapes are considered level rather than steep to prevent runoff damage on your plumbing fixtures. A level ground helps the drain field optimally function as it releases treated wastewater to the surrounding soil.

The Overall Landscaping

Finally, your property's landscape design can help you choose the ideal location for septic system installation. Installation service providers know where to lay the system. They ultimately avoid areas with trees, structures, and natural obstacles like rocks. If there are trees all over your property, consider clearing and uprooting some to pave the way for your septic system since roots can damage the tank and piping.

These are the four top factors to consider when installing a residential septic system. It's imperative to work closely with a professional to ensure the proper installation of your septic system.
